Decision Support Systems Time Line

by Dan Power


Major Milestones


V. Bush proposed Memex


H. Simon's book Administrative Behavior


Dantzig joined RAND and continued research on linear programming


Johnniac computer became operational at RAND, one of the first online time-sharing systems.


Semiautomatic Ground Environment (SAGE) system at M.I.T. Lincoln Lab uses first light pen


Forrester started System Dynamics Group at the M.I.T. Sloan School


SAGE system initial site goes online, completed in 1962 -- First data-driven Decision Support System


Simon book The New Science of Management Decision; McCarthy developed Lisp AI language; Licklider article on “Man-Computer Symbiosis”


Bachman at General Electric develops first database management system, IDS. SAGE system completed.


Licklider architect of Project MAC program at M.I.T.; Iverson’s book A Programming Language(APL); Engelbart's paper "Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual  Framework"


Englebart established Augmentation Research Center at SRI


IBM launched System/360 on April 7, 1964; IBM 7094 II Data Processing System for scientific computing; DEC shipped the PDP-8


Stanford team led by Feigenbaum created DENDRAL  expert system; Anthony’s book on Planning and Control Systems; Problem Statement Language/Problem Statement Analyzer (PSL/PSA) developed at Case Institute of Technology; Licklider article "The Computer as a Communication Device”


UNIVAC 494 introduced; Tymshare founded, selling computer time-sharing; Raymond article computer time-sharing for business planning and budgeting


Scott Morton’s dissertation completed on impact of computer-driven visual display devices on management decision-making process; Turban reports national survey on use of mathematical models in plant maintenance decision making


Scott Morton and McCosh article; Scott Morton and Stephens article; First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS); Englebart demonstrated hypermedia—groupware system NLS (oNLine System) at Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco; SPSS developed at Stanford by Nie, Hull and Bent


Codd research report on relational databases for IBM; Kay developed Graphical User Interface (GUI) at Xerox; Thompson and Ritchie created Unix; Ferguson and Jones article on lab study of a production scheduling computer-aided decision system running on an IBM 7094; Little and Lodish MEDIAC, media planning model; Urban new product model-based system called SPRINTER


Little article on decision calculus support system; Joyner and Tunstall article on Conference Coordinator computer software; Established ARPANET with four nodes; U.S. Patent # 3,541,541 issued to Englebart for X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System (a mouse); IRI Express, a multidimensional analytic tool for time-sharing systems, becomes available; Xerox established Palo Alto Research Center (PARC); Emshoff book on computer simulation models


Gorry and Scott Morton SMR article first published use of term Decision Support System; Scott Morton book Management Decision Systems; Gerrity article Man-Machine decision systems; Klein and Tixier article on SCARABEE


First Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system from SAP; Alto mini-computer at Xerox PARC was operational with bitmapped graphic display and a mouse.


Cerf developed  Internet and Transmission Control Protocols (TCP/IP); Computer-based Education Research Laboratory (CERL) at the University of Illinois released PLATO Notes


Davis’s book Management Information Systems; Meador and Ness article DSS application to corporate planning; MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer


Alter completed M.I.T. Ph.D. dissertation "A Study of Computer Aided Decision Making in Organizations"; Keen SMR article on evaluating computer-based decision aids; Boulden book on computer-assisted planning systems


Sprague and Watson article "A Decision Support System for Banks"; Grace paper on Geodata Analysis and Display System; SAS Institute founded


Alter article "A Taxonomy of Decision Support Systems", Klein article on Finsim; Apple Computer delivers first Apple ][ system; Carlson and Scott Morton chair ACM SIGBDP DSS Conference


Development began on Management Information and Decision Support (MIDS) at Lockheed-Georgia; Keen and Scott Morton book; McCosh and Scott Morton book; Holsapple dissertation completed; Wagner founded Execucom to market IFPS; Bricklin and Frankston created Visicalc (Visible Calculator) microcomputer spreadsheet; Carlson from IBM, San Jose plenary speaker at HICSS-11; Swanson  and Culnan article document-based systems for management planning


Rockart HBR article on CEO data needs


Sprague article on DSS Framework; Alter book; Hackathorn founded MicroDecisionware


First International Conference on Decision Support Systems, Atlanta, Georgia; Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS); Bonczek, Holsapple, and Whinston book; release of IBM SQL/DS for VSE; Xerox introduced the 8010 "Star" Information System; Gray paper on SMU decision rooms and GDSS; August 12 1981, IBM executives announce the IBM Personal Computer


Computer named the “Man” of the Year by Time Magazine; Rockart and Treacy article “The CEO Goes On-Line” HBR; Sprague and Carlson book; Metaphor Computer Systems founded by Kimball and others from Xerox PARC; ESRI launched its first commercial GIS software called ARC/INFO; IFIP Working Group 8.3 on Decision Support Systems established, Methlie Chair, Sprague Vice Chair


Inmon Computerworld article on relational DBMS; IBM DB2 Decision Support database released; UNIX System V released; Novell introduced NetWare, the first LAN software based on file-server technology; Student Guide to IFPS by Gray; Huntington established Exsys; Expert Choice software released


PLEXSYS and SAMM GDSS; first Teradata computer with relational database management system shipped to customers Wells Fargo and AT&T


Procter & Gamble use first data mart from Metaphor to analyze data from checkout-counter scanners; Whinston founded Decision Support Systems journal


Kimball founded Red Brick Systems


Houdeshel and Watson article on MIDS; DeSanctis and Gallupe article on GDSS; Frontline Systems founded by Fylstra, marketed solver add-in for Excel


Kentucky Initiative for Knowledge Management by Holsapple; Devlin and Murphy article; Turban DSS textbook; Pilot Software EIS deployed at Analog Devices


Gartner analyst Dresner coins term business intelligence; release of Lotus Notes; GRiDPad first "modern" tablet computer; International Society for Decision Support Systems (ISDSS) founded by Holsapple and Whinston; MicroStrategy founded; NEC UltraLite with LCD flat-panel screen introduced


Business Objects founded; Microsoft ships Windows 3.0, IBM ships RS6000 workstation; Inmon book Using Oracle to Build Decision Support Systems; Eom and Lee co-citation analysis of DSS research 1971–1988


Inmon books Building the Data Warehouse and Database Machines and Decision Support Systems; Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web server and browser, become publicly available


IBM ThinkPad notebook computer introduced


Codd paper defines online analytical processing (OLAP); first Personal Digital Assistants, Apple Newton, Zoomer from Casio/Tandy; NCSA Mosaic version 1


Netscape browser; HTML 2.0 with form tags and tables; Pendse’s OLAP Report project began


Window 95 and Internet Explorer; IBM Chairman Gerstner speech at COMDEX on network-centric computing; Sun introduces Java; The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) established; ISDSS 1995 in Hong Kong; DSS journal issue on Next Generation of Decision Support; Crossland, Wynne, and Perkins article on Spatial DSS; ISWorld DSS Research pages; DSS Research Resources started


IFIP Working Group 8.3 Conference on “Implementing Systems for Supporting Management Decisions”; InterNeg negotiation software renamed Inspire; Palm Pilot introduced; established; A Brief History of DSS web page


Wal-Mart and Teradata created then world’s largest production data warehouse at 24 Terabytes (TB)


DOLAP, ACM First International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP; KPMG Peat Marwick knowledge management initiative KWorld; W3C Recommendation: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0

1999 domain name established


AMCIS minitrack on Model-Driven and Web-Based DSS; IFIP WG 8.3 Working Conference on Decision Support through Knowledge Management; Palm and Epocrates deliver mobile decision support solution for healthcare professionals


AIS SIG DSS founded


Tablet PC with Microsoft operating system


International Society for Decision Support Systems (ISDSS) merged with AIS SIG DSS

Copyright © 2007 by D. J. Power