Decision Support Systems Related News 01/31/2005 SugarCRM adds point-and-click customization to open source CRM platform, enabling non-technical users to adapt and portalize suite without coding. Check release. 01/31/2005 Intergraph 2005 Geospatial Achievement and Cartographic Excellence awards programs now accepting entries. Check release. 01/31/2005 ClearForest sees growing adoption of text analytics solutions in business intelligence market. Check release. 01/31/2005 Netezza inks deal with Ahold USA. Check release. 01/31/2005 Mindjet MindManager X5 Pro named 2005 Codie finalist for best business productivity product. Check release. 01/31/2005 DataCert announces legal business intelligence tool; DataCert delivers AIMS analytics for ad-hoc reporting and data analysis. Check release. 01/31/2005 NetReflector announces VantagePoint; Powerful online analytics provide enterprise users with actionable customer intelligence for better-informed business decisions. Check release. 01/31/2005 MicroStrategy unveils new, next-generation business intelligence technology. Check release. 01/28/2005 SBS Interactive sets debut of revolutionary duo(TM) immersive video technology in film presentation Jan. 31 at Noon Eastern. Check release. 01/28/2005 Department of Homeland Security to begin US-VISIT biometric exit pilot at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. Check release. 01/28/2005 Gartner announces Business Intelligence Summit 2005 for March 7-9, 2005. Check release. 01/27/2005 City of New Orleans launches high-tech video assault on crime. Check release. 01/27/2005 Texas County and District Retirement System chooses Quantrix financial modeling software for pension plan decision support and planning. Check release. 01/27/2005 eCredit named as 2005 Codie Award finalist. Check release. 01/27/2005 Using predictive models to prescribe health information; Healthwise paper shows health plans how to help more people make better health decisions. Check release. 01/26/2005 Study by Quality Planning Corporation reveals major discrepancy between reported and actual mileage. Check release. 01/26/2005 Project management software company sees 100% increase in sales as it releases Project Administrator v. 3.3 including change management and issue tracking. Check release. 01/26/2005 Applix establishes TM1 Center of Excellence to advance best practices for BPM and BI applications. Check release. 01/26/2005 Midway through school year, Mayville State University's rollout of Gateway Tablet PCs a pen-ultimate success. Check release. 01/26/2005 Cognos to host executive seminar series on plan-to-perform blueprints. Check release. 01/25/2005 ProficientSales Server 4.0 increases web site revenues by improving online visitor targeting and engagement. Check release. 01/25/2005 MicroStrategy selected to integrate into two IBM Retail industry solutions. Check release. 01/25/2005 McDonald's Canada standardizes on Cognos ReportNet(TM) for enterprise-wide reporting. Check release. 01/25/2005 Corporate business intelligence dashboard use on the rise in 2005. Check release. 01/24/2005 TeleTech and Avaya deliver new hosted services to help companies manage customer interactions. Check release. 01/24/2005 Hyperion and De Lage Landen forge strategic partnership; Rabobank subsidiary to showcase risk management solution and best practices for business performance management. Check release. 01/23/2005 Intergraph demonstrates Geospatial Intelligence Solutions at DGI 2005. Check release. 01/21/2005 Call for Papers: First International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 05) in Nancy, France, September 5, 2005. Check release. 01/21/2005 Intergraph awarded contract for mobile workforce management by Kansas City Power and Light. Check release. 01/20/2005 ProClarity recognizes excellence in business intelligence with announcement of award finalists. Check release. 01/20/2005 SAIC program receives NTSA 2004 Modeling and Simulation Award. Check release. 01/19/2005 Paisley Consulting enhances CARDmap for compliance of Sarbanes-Oxley and evolving Basel II requirements. Check release. 01/19/2005 Industry visionary, Thomas Koulopoulos, headlines Geospatial World 2005. Check release. 01/19/2005 Standard Bank adopts Fair Isaac's TRIAD System to improve credit risk management strategies. Check release. 01/19/2005 Cypress Software Systems launches Mark IV Release 2.0; new features enhance loan origination processes, address new regulatory requirements. Check release. 01/18/2005 Intergraph's mobile resource management solutions deployed by Cobb County, Georgia, following successful pilot project. Check release. 01/18/2005 Retail Decisions launches evolutionary technology in the fight against retail fraud. Check release. 01/17/2005 Mary Kay, Inc. recognized for implementing supply chain solutions. Check release. 01/17/2005 Brookshire Grocery Company renews license for DemandTec Software. Check release. 01/17/2005 Brookstone chooses Evant Solutions to optimize planning and forecasting for its retail stores. Check release. 01/17/2005 Teradata survey finds data is driving technology investments. Check release. 01/14/2005 U.S. announces plan for an improved Tsunami detection and warning system. Check release. 01/13/2005 Stottler Henke introduces first Internet search tool that learns. Check release. 01/12/2005 SAS becomes member of FORTUNE's 100 Best Companies to Work For "Hall of Fame"; renowned employer-of-choice comes in at No. 16 on 2005 list. Check release. 01/12/2005 Oracle(R) Database 10g sets new world record TPC-C benchmark result for a 4 CPU system running Red Hat Linux. Check release. 01/11/2005 University of Tokyo sets new Internet2 land speed record using switching and optical technology from Foundry Networks. Check release. 01/11/2005 GlowPoint recognized as foundation of U.S. State Department video conferencing system in InformationWeek article. Check release. 01/11/2005 AsiaInfo recognized for innovation and excellence for Business Operation Support Systems (BOSS) it constructed. Check release. 01/11/2005 Business Objects launches BusinessObjects Knowledge Accelerator XI. Check release. 01/10/2005 Call for Papers: 8th International DSS Conference of the Association for Information Systems SIG DSS, 12-15th July 2005, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Check release. 01/10/2005 Online holiday spending surges beyond expectations, driving e-commerce to record annual sales of $117 billion. Check release. 01/10/2005 Defense Acquisition University improves operational efficiency with Informatica. Check release. 01/10/2005 Oracle unveils Oracle(R) Database Lite 10g, first database to extend grid computing to the mobile enterprise. Check release. 01/10/2005 Reader's Digest optimizes service quality and reduces costs with RightNow's On Demand CRM technology. Check release. 01/09/2005 Sony showcases XYZ navigation system and other in-vehicle technologies at Detroit Auto Show. Check release. 01/07/2005 The New York Times joins more than 10,900 authoritative business information and news sources now on Westlaw. Check release. 01/07/2005 MicroStrategy wins favorable ruling in patent lawsuit against Business Objects. Check release. 01/07/2005 Logistics experts to meet in Fort Lauderdale Jan. 27-28, 2005. Check release. 01/07/2005 Business Objects wins patent infringement appeal against MicroStrategy; Federal court orders MicroStrategy to stand trial for infringing Business Objects patent. Check release. 01/07/2005 DS Collaborate streamlines, accelerates business planning. Check release. 01/06/2005 VisualMED Clinical Solutions Corp. successfully implements new upgrade of its clinical information system. Check release. 01/06/2005 ePolicy Solutions aligns with TM Floyd & Company. Check release. 01/06/2005 Latest version of SPSS Data Mining Workbench offers in-database modeling with Oracle Database 10g. Check release. 01/06/2005 Revenue Science enters 2005 with major client wins; Autobytel Inc., Bolt, Morningstar, and Smart Money sign on. Check release. 01/06/2005 web site targets needs of consumers, loan originators and real estate professionals. Check release. 01/05/2005 UMT survey finds lack of portfolio management processes at global 500 companies could be short-circuiting technology objectives. Check release. 01/05/2005 ETSA Utilities awards Intergraph contract for outage and mobile workforce management system. Check release. 01/05/2005 Physicians at Duke University Hospital rapidly adopt McKesson's Expert Order System. Check release. 01/05/2005 Call for papers: 16th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2005), August 22 - August 26, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark. Check release. 01/04/2005 Experts to gather and share conferencing success stories at the Collaborative Conferencing Summit in New York. Check release. 01/04/2005 ACNielsen chosen by Wrigley for sales analysis and consumer insights; innovative ACNielsen tools and wide range of support critical to Wrigley's decision. Check release. 01/04/2005 ProfitLogic fills gap in retail planning software with unique next-generation merchandise optimization solution for assortment execution. Check release. 01/04/2005 RFID World 2005 show heralds RFID shift from trials to deployments. Check release. 01/04/2005 DecisionPath Consulting to design management information system for medicare prescription drug application processing. Check release. 01/04/2005 Mortgage Banking Systems adds ComplianceAnalyzer to ProClose. Check release. 01/04/2005 Northern Group Retail extends use of ProfitLogic's Merchandise Optimization Suite to pre-season planning. Check release. 01/03/2005 Ascential Software leads enterprise data integration market in product content, partnerships, and ETL product commitment. Check release. 01/02/2005 On day of catastrophe, scientist at Pacific Tsunami Warning Center sat looking at gauges and feeling 'like a schmuck'. Check release.