
Viewmark provides Frontier Airlines with usability lab to examine and improve its online ticket booking process

DENVER, June 6, 2005 -- Viewmark, Inc., an Internet strategy, marketing and technical development company was selected by Frontier Airlines to provide its usability testing lab facilities for a comprehensive review of Frontier's implementation of their new Sabre online booking engine. In an ongoing effort to improve its service to their customers, Frontier recruited current users of its web site, to participate in a series of studies at Viewmark's facilities to obtain their opinions about Frontier's online booking processes, and new advanced-feature prototypes.

Viewmark's Usability Lab provided a private environment where participants and usability facilitators were able to progress through a series of pre-scripted tasks using the online site to determine the user's ease at finding information and making intuitive choices. The entire process was monitored through discreet color cameras and screen-capture software. Executives from the airline were provided an adjoining conference facility where they followed along with the exercises via video projection in a quad-split screen format, with audio.

Ongoing usability testing has been an important process for Frontier Airlines. The company, known for its high level of customer service, considers its online ticketing and booking site a critical link between itself and its customers. Usability testing at Viewmark helped the airline and software developer examine potential areas of improvement for the booking engine's navigation, instructions, display and functionality, with the goal of delivering a more efficient and customer-satisfying experience.

About Viewmark

Founded in 1995 Viewmark, Inc. ( provides Internet-based solutions for businesses and organizations including marketing intelligence systems, content management, usability testing, e-commerce solutions, software development, e-business consulting and Web design. Viewmark is the developer of the Viewmetrix and the Cyberneering Process and Toolset; a complete set of Web development and e-marketing products and services that support a company's entire Web presence.

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Bob Chernet
(303) 771-2575 ext. 107

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