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DSS Hyperbook
Review Questions
Revised 2/17/2009
Ch. 1 Supporting
Business Decision-Making
- What is a transaction
processing system? How does it differ from a DSS?
- What general type of
DSS would include the following: file drawer systems, data analysis
systems, data warehouses, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems,
and Executive Information Systems?
- What general type of
DSS emphasizes "What if?" and sensitivity analysis?
- What are the two
underlying assumptions of Decision Support Systems?
- What are the four
major characteristics that managers want for business decision support
information and analyses?
- The MIS concept is an
extension of the concepts of what discipline?
- What is the MIS
concept? How is it related to DSS?
- What were the two main
streams of research that led to the evolution and development of the
concept of Decision Support Systems?
- What type of DSS
retrieves and manages unstructured documents and web pages?
- What is the most
important component when building any DSS? Why?
- What are the major
practitioner and managerial issues associated with building and using
Decision Support Systems?
- What type of
computerized system records current information about sales, payroll,
payments, receipts, etc. and emphasizes data integrity and consistency?
- What are the 5
categories or types of DSS in the expanded DSS framework?Are the 5 primary
DSS Framework Categories mutually exclusive?
- What are the
limitations of Alter's taxonomy? Why is an expanded framework need?
- The primary dimension
used to categorize DSS is the dominant component. What are the 3
secondary dimensions?
- What components are
common to the design and implementation of computerized Decision Support
- Why do managers need
the support provided by DSS?
- What is causing an
increased interest in computerized support for decision-making?
- What factors create
limitations for the design and development of Decision Support and
Information Systems?
- What is the definition
of a DSS?
- What are three major
characteristics of a DSS?
- What are four major
milestones in the historical evolution of Decision Support Systems?
- What are the 4
traditional DSS components? How is each component linked to the expanded
DSS framework?
- What are the
definitions of the 7 characteristics of a DSS? Facilitation,
Interaction, Ancillary, Repeated Use, Task-oriented, Identifiable, and
Decision Impact.
Ch. 2 Gaining
Competitive Advantage with DSS
- What is an example of
a company that obtained a competitive advantage from a Decision Support
System? What type of system did they implement?
- What technology trends
provide opportunities for building and designing new DSS?
- What impact do new DSS
projects usually have in an organization where IS/IT has a factory type
role? strategic role?
- How can information
technology affect competition in an industry?
- How can DSS provide a
firm a competitive advantage?
- What criteria must a
Decision Support System meet if we are to conclude it provides an
organization with a competitive advantage?
- In what category of
the Strategic Impact grid are firms dependent on cost-effective,
reliable IT operational support for internal operations, and DSS are not
fundamental to a firm's ability to compete?
- What is the greatest
risk when trying to gain a competitive advantage?
- In general should
managers "showcase" or discuss innovative DSS? If not, why
- Why do managers want
to create a competitive advantage for their organzation?
- What are the potential
benefits of a Decision Support System?
- What two factors
affect the level of risk associated with DSS projects? What is project
structure? What is project scope? How do project objectives impact
project structure?
- What category or type
of DSS was implemented at Frito-Lay, L. L. Bean, Lockheed-Georgia, Mrs.
Field's Cookies and Wal-Mart?
- Did the EOM DSS at L.
L. Bean create a competitive advantage? Did it change the structure of
the industry? Did it improve the efficiency of a value chain activity?
Did it create a new service? What type of DSS was implemented?
- What are three general
advantages that commonly result from effectively implementing a decision
support system?
- Some DSS have been
poorly designed in the past and this creates resistance to implementing
new DSS. How can this problem be overcome?
- What are the
limitations of DSS?
- What are three reasons
managers give for resisting or not using DSS?
Ch. 3 Analyzing
Business Decision Processes
- What level of
management decision making includes day-to-day decisions made in
functional units by managers to implement strategic decisions,
functional tactics, and operational activities? Allocating resources?
- What term describes
decisions that are routine and repetitive with set responses?
- What is a problem?
What three conditions indicate a problem exists?
- In what decision
situations should computerized support be considered? How do we know a
computerized decision aid is needed?
- What is a structured
- How does a decision
automation system differ from a DSS and from a decision support special
- The success of a
decision is a function of its _______________ and of how it is
- What is the major
difference between reengineering a business decision process and
redesigning a business decision process?
- What are the 5
elements of a decision situation that provide the context for decision
- What are some
impediments to "good" decisions?
- What are the typical
characteristics of an organization that has been reengineered?
- Many of us make
successful decisions without using specific Decision Support Systems, so
what is the issue that must be addressed when evaluating the need for a
- What are the 3 stages
in Simon's sequential decision-making process?
- What are the seven
steps in the General Decision Process model?
- Do managers differ in
the way they use DSS to make decisions? If so, are the differences
important in designing DSS?
- Why do DSS analysts
need to understand decision behavior? What should DSS analysts study
specific decision processes in the organizations where they work?
- Can all managerial
decisions benefit from computerized decision support? Why or why not?
- How does the job of a
decision support analyst differ from that of a DSS analyst?
- What is the difference
betweeen the operational control and operational performance levels in
an organization hierarchy? How does level in the hierarchy impact need
for and type of DSS?
- How does a structured
problem/decision situation differ from an unstructured problem/decision
situation? What are examples in managing inventory?
- What is the
"context" of a managerial decision making situation? Does
context impact the design and use of a specific DSS?
- What does it mean to
say that a decision is successful? When can and should managers conclude
a decision has been successful?
- What is decision
process cycle time?
- What do we call a
major, radical change in a decision process that may include a novel DSS
that has a goal to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the process?
Ch. 4 Designing
and Developing Decision Support Systems
- What task is the key
to "securing a decision-oriented approach" to DSS design and
- What are the tasks of
a DSS project manager?
- If a DSS is intended
to support managers throughout a company or if company-wide data is
required, then what development approach is probably best?
- Who participates in a
DSS project? What is the role of the Executive Sponsor of a DSS?
- What are the steps in
rapid prototyping?
- What is SDLC? What is
end-user DSS development?
- What is a major
advantage and disadvantage of each of the 3 alternative DSS development
approaches? End user development? SDLC? Prototyping?
- What term is used for
an organized set of practices and procedures used by DSS developers?
- What activities are
involved in diagnosis of a decision process?
- What task concludes
each step in the systems development life cycle approach?
- What systems
development approach provides the most structure and discipline to
- How can the problems
of end-user DSS development be minimized, reduced or eliminated?
- What are the major
concerns of Information Systems staffs about end-user DSS development?
- What are the risks and
benefits of outsourcing DSS projects
- When should DSS be
built in-house and when should development be outsourced?
- Who should design and
develop DSS? Is this an IS department task? Do we need a design team?
- How much data should
be collected during the diagnosis step? Who should collect it? Is a
consultant needed?
- Does one design
process seem to work better for Enterprise-Wide DSS and another for
small-scale DSS?
- What is involved in a
Decision Process Audit? What is a Decision Support Readiness Audit
(Appendix I)? How does it differ from a Decision Process Audit (p. 58)?
Ch. 5 Designing
and Evaluating DSS User Interfaces
- What is the set of
menus, icons, commands, and graphical display formats that allow a user
to communicate and use a program called?
- What interface style
is the "oldest form" of computer control?
- What are the four
user-oriented entities in the ROMC approach to designing DSS user
- A help system is an
example of which ROMC entity?
- A graph or table is an
example of which ROMC entity?
- What are guidelines
for a graphical display in a DSS user interface?
- What is the most
frequently violated guideline for user interface design?
- What do we call a
measure of the degree to which a user's memory is being used to process
information on display screens of a DSS?
- What factors influence
User Interface design success?
- What is a symmetrical
screen design? What do we call an exact or balanced placement of design
elements on opposite sides of a dividing line or about a center of an
- What is a user
- What are the various
user interface styles?
- What steps should be
followed in building a DSS User Interface?
- What is the ROMC
approach? What is an example of each ROMC entity?
- What are five
important guidelines for designing a user interface? Why is each
especially important?
- What user interface
style do you prefer? Why? Is a GUI better for building DSS?
- Why are graphics and
charts important in DSS?
- What is meant by the
statement "From the user's perspective, the dialog is the
system"? Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.
- User interface design
guidelines standardize the "look and feel" of a user interface.
Why is this important?
- Should a DSS provide
shortcuts for frequent users? If so, why?
Ch. 6
Understanding DSS Architecture, Network and Security Issues
- What are the four
general components of a DSS? Explain each.
- What term do we use
for how hardware is organized, how software and data are distributed in
a DSS and how components of the DSS are integrated and connected?
- What are the benefits
of defining a DSS architecture?
- What is a
client/server architecture?
- What is an IP number?
- What does the acronym
TCP/IP mean?
- When evaluating
security needs, managers and systems administrators must balance the
needs for ___________________ against the needs for ______________.
- What is the first line
of defense in the security of a computer system?
- What is the purpose of
the architecture and network??
- What is a DSS
- What factors have lead
to the increase in networks? What problems can networks cause companies?
- What is a network
operating system (NOS)?
- Give examples of
possible security problems related to passwords, file permissions, and
using the global Internet for a DSS.
- Outline the steps you
would take to break-in to a DSS. How can managers make it more difficult
for you to break-in to a specific DSS?
- What steps should be
followed in managing IS/IT security?
- Who should be
concerned about IS/IT security issues?
- What role should
managers play in developing a DSS architecture?
- How would you respond
to the comment that a Client/Server architecture is not feasible in your
- What are the benefits
of establishing a DSS Security Policy?
- What
are the Information Systems Architecture layers?
- What
is a network protocol?
Ch. 7
Implementing Communications-Driven and Group DSS
- What are three examples
of group support tools?
- Two-way video, audio
conferencing, white boards, screen sharing and chat tools can be used
for what time and place combination for Group Decision Support?
- What are the four
categories of group decision support situations?
- What group support
tool "allows for real-time communication among meeting participants
using a graphical drawing or painting interface"?
- When would you use
two-way interactive video as a group support tool?
- A small consulting
firm uses the Internet to facilitate collaboration by its employees who
are professionals working at home offices and at client sites. Staff and
teams meet face-to-face weekly at a breakfast meeting or as needed to
deal with project or interpersonal issues. What would you call this type
of organization?
- What three dimensions
are "crucial" or important for designing or choosing Group
Support Software?
- What are the major
benefits of a Group Decision Support System?
- What factor(s) impact
the success of group support systems?
- What are the benefits
of a virtual organization?
- What is a Federation
organization structure?
- What could one call an
organization structure where "A large number of interdependent
organizations are grouped into a multi-level hierarchy where individual
organizations retain autonomy"?
- What technology makes
a virtual organization possible?
- What is a definition
for a "Virtual Organization"?
- What media best fits
the decision task of generating ideas and plans?
- What are the
metaphorical labels for the four organization structures that may result
from implementing Communications-Driven DSS?
Ch. 8 Building
Data and Document-Driven DSS
- What is a Data-Driven
- What is a
Document-Driven DSS?
- How does a Data-Driven
DSS differ ffrom a Document-Driven DSS?
- What are the major
characteristics of a data warehouse?
- What is a star schema?
- What term do we use
for the concept of "data about data"?
- What is a well-known
example of an Executive Information System?
- What type of DSS was
Lockheed-Georgia MIDS?
- What are the
components of a Data-Driven DSS architecture?
- What are the two
database technologies used to store DSS data?
- On which dimensions do
DSS and operating data differ?
- What are the major
sub-categories of Data-Driven DSS?
- What is an example of
a Spatial DSS application?
- What is the FASMI
- What are major
benefits of a data warehouse, OLAP, EIS?
- For large scale data
warehouse and Data-Driven DSS projects, what steps are followed in a
"typical" development process?
- How can managers
increase the chances for success of a Data-Driven DSS project?
- Why is normalization
not required (and is usually not desirable) for DSS data?
- How does a Data Mart
differ from a Data Warehouse?
Ch. 9 Building
Knowledge-Driven DSS and Mining Data
- What are the major components
of a Knowledge-Driven DSS?
- What are the two main
types of models used in data mining?
- What are the
characteristics of a Knowledge-Driven DSS?
- What are the main
categories of Data Mining tools?
- In choosing a
Knowledge-Driven DSS project, what "test" can be used to help
determine if a problem is appropriate?
- What are two ways an
inference engine can manipulate rules?
- What data mining tool
builds models by trial and error and attempts to learn patterns from
data directly by repeatedly examining the data to identify
- What steps must you
follow to make the best use of Data Mining tools?
- How does a Knowledge-Driven
DSS differ from data mining?
- What is a rule in an
Knowledge-Driven DSS?
- What data mining tool
uses optimization programs similar to linear programming models?
- What Data Mining tool
involves three steps -- predict, compare and adjust -- to build a model
from data?
- **What are the general
benefits of using a Knowledge-driven DSS?
- **How does a
Knowledge-driven DSS differ from a Model-driven DSS?
- **Briefly, what is the
"true" story about data mining and beer and diapers?
- Siemens uses a DSS to
aid technical customer support services staff. The program uses the
results of previous customer inquires to help quickly answer the
questions from current inquires. What type of DSS is in use in this
Ch. 10 Building
Model-Driven DSS
- What is a quantitative
model? What are the general components of a quantitative model? Input
variables? Result variables? others? Expression? Objective function?
- What are the types of
models used in building a Model-Driven DSS?
- What is an example of
a multi-criteria Decision Analysis Model?
- What general type or
category of model is best characterized as a descriptive rather than a
normative model?
- What is the most
widely known technique in the family of tools called mathematical
programming or optimization models?
- What are the
advantages of building a model-driven DSS using a simulation model?
- What do we call the
capability of manipulating a software model to examine the effect of
changing some of the input data or independent variables?
- Explain sensitivity
and "what if? analysis". How does sensitivity analysis differ
from "what if?" analysis? Are both needed and useful?
- What forecasting model
and method is generally considered the most complex and the most
- What are the six
formal and analytical forecasting method categories?
- What is an example of
a Model-Driven DSS?
- What are the
advantages of developing and using models in a DSS?
- What is the role of
forecasting in decision support?
- What question does
model validation attempt to answer?
- What are some
Management Science problem types?
- What is a major
assumption of a typical break-even model?
- What type of model
involves structuring problems into a hierarchy of objectives and then
studying the performance of decision alternatives on specific criteria?
- **How does sensitivity
analysis differ from "what if?" analysis?
- **What are 2
advantages of developing and using models in a DSS?
- **What are 2
disadvantages of using simulation in a model-driven DSS?
- Suppose you have
several factories and want to find the best locations to manufacture
different products to meet demand in nearby cities. You want to maximize
profits and minimize shipping costs. What kind of model would your use
for an analysis? Would you build a Model-Driven DSS or is this an example
of a special study or ad hoc analysis? What if you use flexible
manufacturing and you can change where products are manufactured on a
weekly or even daily basis, would you then build a model-driven DSS?
Ch. 11 Building
Web-Based and Inter-Organizational DSS
- What is a Web-Based
- What is HTML? Is it a
programming language?
- How does Java differ
from JavaScript?
- What is a Common
Gateway Interface script?
- Do JavaScript programs
consist of functions that are called as a result of Web browser events?
- What issues should
managers consider when deciding if their company should build a
Web-Based DSS?
- What benefits does a
Web-Based DSS provide a company?
- What is an
Inter-Organizational DSS?
- What is a
"thin-client" architecture?
- What are three advantages
of Intranets and Web-based DSS?
- What factors have led
to the increase in Inter-Organizational systems including
Inter-Organizational DSS?
- What term is used for
describing "a personalized Web front-end that provides access to
information from the Global Internet as well as a wide variety of
corporate systems, including document servers, business intelligence
systems, Groupware databases, and enterprise resource planning
- What is an example of
a client-executed Decision Aid program?
- What are potential
problems with building and using Web-Based DSS?
- How do Web-Based DSS
extend "information reach" and "information range"?
- What problem(s) are
companies trying to solve by implementing an Intranet?
- **How does a web-based
DSS differ from a web-enabled DSS?
- **What are 2 major
advantages of building and deploying a web-based DSS?
- **What are 2 ways that
JavaScript differs from Java?
Ch. 12 Evaluating
DSS Projects
- What type of DSS
project should be evaluated most critically? What are its characteriscs?
- What are obstacles to
using technology to create DSS for global corporations and globally
distributed DSS?
- Evaluating DSS
projects should involve evaluation activities that are commensurate or
proportionate to what three factors?
- What do we call the
calculation of how much a dollar of costs or benefits is worth today,
even though it will be realized in the future?
- When benefits equal
costs the Benefit/Cost ratio is equal to what number?
- What do we call the
resources that have already been expended on a project?
- What evaluation tool
and approach attempts to estimate what decision-making will be like when
a proposed DSS is in place and hence speculate on how the company will
- What evaluation method
attempts to reduce risk by requiring prototyping?
- What
international/cultural issues impact evaluation of a DSS project?
- What are two problems
one faces in trying to justify DSS investments?
- What are examples of
DSS cost factors?
- When making a DSS
project decision, what general question should managers ask and
- **For a large scope,
low structure DSS project, what type of evaluation is needed and
- **What 2 cost factors
are easy to overlook in a DSS project evaluation?
- **What are the four
evaluation "tests" for proposed DSS/IT projects?
last updated 01/16/2003