Decision Support Systems Related News

June 2000

06/30/2000 E-Business Intelligence Conference, September 18-20, 2000, Bally’s Park Place, Atlantic City. New Directions in Data Analysis, e-Warehousing and Decision Support. See brochure (pdf file).

06/30/2000 President Clinton signed a bill in Philadelphia giving an online signature the same legal validity as a signature in pen and ink. Clinton said, "Online contracts will now have the same legal force as equivalent paper contracts."

06/29/2000 Revenue Optimization Council formed by leading Business and Academic Organizations for the adoption of the Revenue Process Optimization Business Methodology. See press release.

06/28/2000 Software Magazine published its 18th Annual Software 500 ranking. A list of the Software 500 companies of 2000 is at The list can be searched and sorted by primary business sector, financial ranking and alphabetically.

06/27/2000 Business Objects announced MDX Connect(TM), an interface to Microsoft's SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services. It is based on the OLAP@Work query engine that helps non-technical users answer questions based on multidimensional data.

06/27/2000 IBM introduced IBM Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) Version 7.1. IBM EIP integrates information from a very broad range of sources (see figure). Heritage Mutual Insurance is testing IBM EIP. It plans a corporate portal that lets Internet users conduct secured inquiries for data, including documents, photos and voice. Check

06/26/2000 Sagent Technology announced a strategic partnership with ESRI to deliver real-time access to third-party content using Sagent's Centrus Real-Time Web-based information service. The partnership provides integration of a leading real-time information service and key GIS software.

06/26/2000 Oracle announced a new software product called IPortal that enables companies to link databases across the Internet.

06/26/2000 Microsoft announced Microsoft® C# ("C sharp"), a modern, object-oriented programming language built from the ground up to exploit the power of XML-based Web services on the .NET platform. Check

06/23/2000 Expert Choice, Inc. announced the release of their new Web-enabled software. Check release.

06/23/2000 Reminder: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000) deadline for early registration is Friday, June 30. Conference is in Long Beach, CA, August 10-13, 2000.

06/23/2000 COMDEX/Fall 2000, LINUX Business Expo 2000, November 13, 2000 to November 17, 2000 in Las Vegas. Three keynotes confirmed so far Bill Gates on Sunday, November 12, Larry Ellison on Monday, November 13, and Dick Brown on Wednesday, November 15. Check

06/22/2000 May 2000 Decision Sciences Institute Decision Line, Volume 31(3), is in press and posted on the DSI website. For more information visit

06/22/2000 Reminder: 18th annual PC EXPO ( at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City from June 26-29, 2000. More than 600 information technology companies are participating.

06/22/2000 Microsoft Corp. unveiled the vision and road map for its next generation of software and services, the Microsoft(R) .NET platform. Bill Gates called it the most ambitious project since the Windows OS. The goal is to integrate software with the Internet and make it easier to swap information between computing devices.

06/21/2000 Global Crossing Conferencing Division is offering real-time and on-demand Internet broadcasts of audio and video conference calls. The Webcast service allows customers to broadcast meetings or conferences in a convenient, flexible and cost-effective manner to anywhere in the world. Webcast was developed with Akamai Technologies. Webcasts may be accessed live or archived for later retrieval. Visit

06/21/2000 Brio Technology announced that its Impact(TM) revenue performance optimization (RPO) application has been implemented by Hewlett-Packard. HP's Business Store for North America uses Brio Impact to analyze product bundles.

06/21/2000 Gentia Software announced its expansion into central Europe, with the opening of a new office in the Vienna Stock Exchange. Recently, Gentia signed contracts with new customers in Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands, including Karstadt, one of Germany's largest department store chains.

06/20/2000 MicroStrategy® Inc. announced its customer, GE Capital Fleet Services, a subsidiary of General Electric Company, won DM Review magazine’s World Class Solutions Award in the category of Business Solutions and Analytic Applications. Check

06/20/2000 Sybase, Inc. announced that Sybase® Enterprise Application Server (EAServer) won a Java Developer's Journal (JDJ) Readers' Choice Award for Best Java Middleware Product.

06/19/2000 introduced first instant translation tool for online chat rooms. Check press release.

06/19/2000 The Data Warehousing InstituteTM (TDWI) announced the winners of its 2000 Best Practices in Data Warehousing Awards competition. Check See press release.

06/19/2000 AlphaBlox announced a merger with They hope merger will launch an entirely new way to deliver Web-based personalized decision making applications and will transform how data is accessed, shared, analyzed, and presented online. See Press Release.

06/19/2000 SPSS announced Data Entry 2.0. It makes designing surveys and data collection easier. New features include drag-and-drop survey design and dynamic renumbering.

06/19/2000 AMCIS 2000 advance program is available in the Programs Section of the website, conference/ais2000. Conference is August 10-13, 2000, in Long Beach, CA. Ten Tutorials and Workshops are scheduled on Thursday starting from 1:00 PM.

06/19/2000 Information Builders announced the availability of its WebFOCUS v. 4.3 Business Intelligence Solution for the IBM AS/400.

06/17/2000 Business Week identified Cognos® as one of the world’s Top 100 Information Technology companies. Cognos® ranked 76, behind Microsoft Corporation at 75, and was the only business intelligence software provider in the Top 100. Check

06/15/2000 Object Management Group (OMG) extends its support for distributed metadata standards by publishing a Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) Specification. Check press release.

06/15/2000 DM Review announced the winners of the 2000 World Class Solution Awards for Business Intelligence. Check press release.

06/15/2000 Jeusfeld, M. A., H. Shu, M. Staudt, and G. Vossen, "Design and Management of Data Warehouses", Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop DMDW'2000, Stockholm, Sweden, June 5-6, 2000 are available on the Web. CEUR-WS/Vol-28, 12 articles in PDF format.

06/14/2000 QueryObject Systems announced beta testing program. Their Distributed Replication Server permits on-demand streaming of data over the Internet to Business Intelligence tools. Check

06/14/2000 —Business Objects announced BusinessObjects™ 5i, a new version of the company's full-client e-business intelligence tool. It enables users to build reports from traditional corporate data stores and from the internet.

06/14/2000 Call for Chapters for Data Mining: A Heuristic Approach, Idea Group Publishing. Abstract Submission due August 15, 2000. For more information, see call from H. A. Abbass.

06/13/2000 Brio Technology awarded $1 Million to Columbia University Graduate School of Business for Analysis and Expansion of Revenue Performance Optimization Business Methodology. Check

06/12/2000 Oracle Corp. announced that as part of the Oracle Academic Initiative Applications Pilot Program it has granted $60 million worth of software licenses and support services to 17 educational institutions across the U.S.. California State University, Los Angeles is one of the first recipients of the grant and will receive software and services valued at more than $11 million.

06/12/2000 Sagent Technology introduced Sagent Solution version 4.2. It delivers improved customization of Web applications, support for ASPs and multinational deployment for global corporations. See Press Release.

06/12/2000 SAS Institute's Strategic Vision(tm) Software was certified by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative. Strategic Vision tracks success indicators associated with strategic goals. See Press Release.

06/08/2000 Fair, Isaac and Company ( made public a comprehensive list of the factors used in its FICO® credit bureau risk scores. It is also developing a Web-based service that will explain FICO scores. Read Press Release.

06/07/2000 The University of North Carolina received a $3 million grant from SAS Institute. UNC President Molly Broad announced that the 16-campus university system received the five-year grant that will give students, faculty and administrators use of SAS software and services.

06/06/2000 SPSS makes equity investment in e.Intelligence, Inc. SPSS Inc. boosted its presence in Web-based predictive business intelligence with an equity investment in privately-held e.Intelligence, Inc. The $1 million investment represents the second infusion of equity capital into e.Intelligence since an initial investment made by JMI Equity.

06/06/2000 Business Objects, a provider of business intelligence solutions, received an award for Best International Marketing from Software Business Magazine. Check

06/05/2000 Data Warehousing Institute conference "Best Practices in Data Warehousing and E-Business Intelligence" in Boston, MA August 20-25, 2000. Check

06/01/2000 Call for Papers for DOLAP '2000, ACM Third International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, Washington, DC, USA, November 10, 2000. Submission Deadline July 14, 2000. For more information, visit

06/01/2000 Call for Papers for the 3rd Maryland IS Symposium at University of Maryland at Baltimore County (UMBC), Friday, October 20, 2000. Submissions Due July 15, 2000. For more information, see