05/31/2000 The Eighth Annual Dimensional Insight Users Conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee from September 13-17, 2000. For more information check www.dimins.com/.
05/27/2000 Journal of Decision Systems Call for Papers - Special Issue on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and their impact on Decision Making. Submission Deadline: October 1, 2000. Call can be found at afis.ucc.ie/fadam/jds-cfp.htm
05/24/2000 IBM announced that its NUMA-Q 2000 E410 server set records for performance in the industry standard TPC-H business intelligence benchmark. The system, running a version of DB2, produced outstanding results at the 300GB scale factor.
05/23/2000 Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server 6 earned highest enterprise software evaluation from SPEX (www.checkspex.com). SPEXmark ratings are based on functionality, user-friendliness, technology and market strength. Highlights of the SPEX evaluation are at hyperion.com/essbaseolap.cfm.
5/19/2000 - RealWare Awards call for entries. CMP Media's Business Intelligence Group announced details of the 2000 RealWare Awards for IT Excellence in Intelligent Enterprise and Imaging and Document Solutions. Check RealwareAwards.com. Entries are due Friday, June 16, 2000.
05/17/2000, M2 Communications - LONDON -- Brio Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRIO), announced the beta version of Brio.Portal 7.0. New to version 7.0 are Portal.Pages which combine exception alerts, charts, gauges, news flashes, and business events into an intuitive and easily customised interface. External market information such as news flashes and business events are delivered in Brio.Portal 7.0 along with syndicated content from more than 850 content sources. Brio.Portal 7.0 also includes the ability to proactively monitor key performance indicators, while incorporating Brio's entire suite of product offerings, including its analytics, enterprise reporting and business intelligence. For more information check www.brio.com or e-mail: abellinger@brio.com.
05/15/2000 Reminder! The IFIP WG 8.3 Working Conference on Decision Support through Knowledge Management will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, July 9 - 11, 2000. Information on the event can be found at: www.dsv.su.se/DSS-2000/ eng_index.html
5/10/2000 Win $1000 and other cool stuff ... High Performance Systems is offering two $1000 prizes for the best ithink and STELLA model submissions. They will select a winner in two categories: business and education. Check www.hps-inc.com/win.htm.
05/08/2000 SAS Institute and Hewlett-Packard announced plans to apply SAS e-intelligence and data mining solutions and technologies to support HP e-business and telecommunications applications, see Press Release.
05/02/2000 SPSS and e.Intelligence introduce Web-Based predictive Business Intelligence solution, see Press Release.