July 200307/30/2003 Ascential Software to host forum "Delivering Results in the Real-Time Enterprise" at TDWI world conference in Boston. Check release. 07/29/2003 Crystal Decisions to provide Baylor Health Care System enterprise reporting technology. Check release. 07/29/2003 Ameriana Bank and Trust implements Decision Support Inc.'s DQmart(R) technology for more integrated system operations. Check release. 07/28/2003 GEO-INTEL 2003: Geospatial Intelligence & Information for the Nation -- to be held October 14-17, 2003 at the New Orleans Marriott in New Orleans, LA. Check release. 07/28/2003 Healthcare professionals make Comshare(R) software the clear choice to help meet greater industry demands. Check release. 07/25/2003 Investing Systems Network offers software that forces investors to buy low and sell high. Check release. 07/25/2003 Oracle deals collaboration customers a better hand. Check release. 07/24/2003 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts deploys Cognos Enterprise BI Series 7 dashboard to decision-makers. Check release. 07/23/2003 Hyperion to acquire Brio Software. Check release. 07/23/2003 Criterion announces alliance with Toshiba for wireless Tablet PC and mobile server software application for Real Estate professionals. Check release. 07/22/2003 Schenectady International, Inc. to use Planalytics GasBuyer for natural gas purchasing decisions. Check release. 07/22/2003 Vantage Point installs SmartCare(TM) data warehouse and analysis software in major California healthcare system. Check release. 07/21/2003 Study reveals enterprises suffer huge productivity losses due to ineffective expertise management and knowledge sharing. Check release. 07/18/2003 CSC deploys Enterprise Resource Planning system to support U.S. Army logistics modernization. Check release. 07/17/2003 Informatica announces packaged analytic content will be available to systems integration and software application partners, and not sold directly. Check release. 07/17/2003 General Dynamics-Rockwell Collins Team to provide computing infrastructure for Army's Future Combat Systems Program. Check release. 07/16/2003 Teradata Customers are leaders at The Data Warehousing Institute 2003 best practices awards. Check release. 07/16/2003 O’Reilly Automotive selects MicroStrategy for reporting, analysis and information delivery. Check release. 07/16/2003 Aberdeen Group report predicts moderate increase in technology spending over next 6-12 months. Check release. 07/16/2003 Clabby Analytics report suggests that end user participation in development is the only thing remaining for successful new enterprise applications. Check release. 07/15/2003 Manpower introduces NetSelect, a Web-based employment prescreening tool, as part of its HR suite. Check release. 07/15/2003 Experian and Marketswitch partner for new B2C marketing solution. Check release. 07/14/2003 CALL FOR PAPERS: SIG DSS Pre-ICIS Workshop on "Research Directions for Decision Support". Check release. 07/14/2003 "No Empty Portals!" initiative at Plumtree has deployed over 40 portals. Check release. 07/11/2003 Compoze and BEA Expand Alliance to Deliver Enhanced Collaboration to BEA WebLogic Portal Customers. Check release. 07/10/2003 Army and Boeing-SAIC LSI team selects future combat systems partners. Check release. 07/09/2003 Information Builders partners with Unisys to offer the most scalable enterprise business intelligence and integration. Check release. 07/08/2003 Sun Microsystems awarded $50M Department of Defense contract to develop High Productivity Computing System. Check release. 07/08/2003 U.S. Army National Ground Intelligence Center expands use of Verity software. Check release. 07/08/2003 Crystal Decisions enhances Microsoft Excel integration to deliver immediate benefits to business users and IT . Check release. 07/07/2003 MicroStrategy signs $5 million deal with U.S. Postal Service. Check release. 07/07/2003 Financial modeling of withdrawals from an Endowment Portfolio. Check release. 07/02/2003 SGI and DDD announce alliance to deliver 3D displays to visualization market. Check release. 07/01/2003 Factual Data and Fair Isaac team up to help businesses explain the FICO scores they use to make key decisions. Check release. 07/01/2003 Boeing Air Traffic Management leads team to pursue FAA traffic flow management modernization program. Check release. |