Transforming Data into Intelligence Enters New Era With Acxiom Customer Information Infrastructure`The Unimaginable Can Now Be Imagined,' Company Leader Tells Executive Symposium LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Feb. 26, 2004--Advances in technology are finally allowing companies to transform data into the intelligence needed to drive better business decisions and build more valuable relationships with their customers, says Acxiom Company Leader Charles D. Morgan. "Businesses have more data than ever, and that data will multiply in the years ahead, but realizing the power of that data has been limited," Morgan said. "Today, I can tell you that the impractical is now practical, and what was unimaginable can be imagined." Acxiom's Customer Information Infrastructure (CII), a grid-based solution architecture, redefines how data is managed, Morgan said, enabling data analysis, modeling and applications at previously unachievable speed - and with a lowered cost. With CII, data storage also is less expensive, allowing businesses to redirect those resources to more modeling and analysis for marketing effectiveness, he added. CII also provides duplicate storage for a failsafe environment. Morgan's comments came in Orlando, Fla., at Connections 2004, Acxiom's annual symposium in which leading information technology and marketing executives and experts discuss trends and advances in customer data management. "Imagine being able to rescore your entire prospect universe in seven hours rather than seven days at a lower cost per run. Imagine 10 years of promotion and transaction history rather than a simple snapshot in time. Imagine a full database update delivered as often as you want," Morgan said. He said Acxiom, which began deploying grid-based computing more than two years ago, is itself realizing benefits of the technology, including advances of its own InfoBase(R) family of data products. "The key is how we all adapt and use these changes to create an advantage in your business, and help you build valued relationships with your customers," Morgan said. About Acxiom Acxiom Corporation (Nasdaq:ACXM) integrates data, services and technology to create and deliver customer and information management solutions for many of the largest, most respected companies in the world. The core components of Acxiom's innovative solutions are Customer Data Integration (CDI) technology, data, database services, IT outsourcing, consulting and analytics, and privacy leadership. Founded in 1969, Acxiom is headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, with locations throughout the United States and Europe, and in Australia and Japan. For more information, visit Acxiom and InfoBase are registered trademarks of Acxiom Corporation.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Acxiom Corporation Media: Liz Caldwell, 501-252-4020 |