Decision Support Systems Related News
March 200403/31/2004 Ascential Software helps power FIXML processing for Options Industry. Check release. 03/30/2004 New interactive crisis communication product for airports unveiled at International Conference on Aviation Emergencies. Check release. 03/30/2004 NEW SAS®9 software revolutionizes the BI industry. Check release. 03/29/2004 University of Vermont chooses Hyperion Software for advanced financial analysis. Check release. 03/29/2004 The Carphone Warehouse implements Trillium Software System(R) in CRM initiative. Check release. 03/26/2004 Microsoft strengthens its presence in business intelligence industry. Check release. 03/25/2004 IBM selects Corticon to provide a complete Business Performance Management solution. Check release. 03/24/2004 COPLINK(R) launches interoperability certification program to help law enforcement agencies leverage information technology investments. Check release. 03/24/2004 Microsoft and Business Objects expand alliance. Check release. 03/24/2004 Oracle(R) provides business intelligence users powerful metadata management through meta integration technology partnership. Check release. 03/24/2004 US Securities Industry's current high spending levels on Business Continuity Planning (BCP) will plateau and begin decline by 2006. Check release. 03/23/2004 U.S. Navy selects Java(TM) System Application server standard edition 7 for top command and control program. Check release. 03/22/2004 World’s largest casual dining company Darden Restaurants expands deployment of MicroStrategy. Check release. 03/22/2004 The Council of the European Union chooses Intergraph Solutions to support defence planning and operations. Check release. 03/22/2004 Intergraph continues interoperability advancement through participation in Open GIS Consortium interoperability initiative. Check release. 03/22/2004 ADP expands its suite of risk management tools to include intraday margin system. Check release. 03/22/2004 Microsoft releases MapPoint Location Server to mobilize businesses with real-time location services. Check release. 03/18/2004 SAP unleashes business potential of real-time CRM Analytics with intelligent software agents and high-speed search engine. Check release. 03/17/2004 Informatica partners with IBM to support new risk and compliance offering. Check release. 03/17/2004 Japan Defense Agency adopts ILOG Views to enhance Self-Defense Force decision making. Check release. 03/16/2004 Cognos ReportNet scales to more than 190,000 named users in real-world tests; offers proven performance in IBM environments. Check release. 03/16/2004 Cognos launches enterprise-proven Cognos ReportNet(TM) 1.1; delivers industry's most comprehensive business intelligence. Check release. 03/16/2004 Cognos ReportNet(TM) 1.1 embraced by customers, partners worldwide. Check release. 03/15/2004 GeoSpatial World 2004 exhibit hall offers attendees broad spectrum of solutions and services. Check release. 03/15/2004 Meijer stores expands deployment with MicroStrategy report services. Check release. 03/15/2004 Vitria to showcase vertical business process engineering technologies at CeBIT 2004 in Hanover, Germany. Check release. 03/12/2004 ChoicePoint(R) acquires iMapData, adds unique data visualization capabilities for customers. Check release. 03/11/2004 Retired USAF General McPeak to present at Competitive Intelligence Forum in Portland, Oregon. Check release. 03/11/2004 Home Properties selects CSI - The Center For Data Warehousing for strategy, vision selection and validation. Check release. 03/10/2004 Mindjet announces March Madness contest: pick the winning teams and win an Acer Tablet PC. Check release. 03/10/2004 ePocrates praises national patient safety week's focus on reducing medical errors. Check release. 03/09/2004 pbviews unveils performance maps and scalability enhancements in version 6.0 of its widely deployed performance management software solution. Check release. 03/09/2004 Documentum eRoom wins Network World's 'Best of the Tests' award. Check release. 03/08/2004 Autodesk releases Autodesk Pre-Plan and Pre-Plan Command software for emergency response planning. Check release. 03/08/2004 Documentum eRoom Enterprise delivers collaborative content management. Check release. 03/08/2004 FileNet announces Team Collaboration Manager, latest addition to industry-leading ECM product family. Check release. 03/08/2004 KnowNow and Accius deliver web-based whiteboard collaboration platform to Natsource. Check release. 03/08/2004 U.S. Borax adopts MicroStrategy as enterprise-wide business intelligence standard. Check release. 03/08/2004 RMS releases version 4.0 of its Climetrix(R) weather derivatives trading and risk management system. Check release. 03/05/2004 Albertsons launches RFID technology program to improve merchandising and supply chain management efficiencies. Check release. 03/04/2004 Top IT decision makers shortlist Grid as strategic IT investment for 2004, says new survey. Check release. 03/04/2004 American companies failing to address retention of e-mail, electronic documents. Check release. 03/04/2004 Heinz selects Ariba Spend Management as part of global cost reduction program. Check release. 03/04/2004 Mindjet releases MindManager X5 Pro 5.1 to provide Tablet PC support and enterprise application integration. Check release. 03/03/2004 New clinical handheld application ePocrates Dx(TM) offers doctors seamless access to drug and disease information. Check release. 03/03/2004 LiveOffice debuts IMConferencing's Meeting Command Center. Check release. 03/03/2004 Oracle(R) Database 10g on Linux sets world record for three terabyte data warehousing benchmark. Check release. 03/03/2004 Trimble adds Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 software for Pocket PCs to its GeoExplorer series of Rugged GPS handhelds. Check release. 03/01/2004 Leading european retailer Fnac adopts MicroStrategy as business intelligence standard for enterprise reporting. Check release. 03/01/2004 Announcement: Innovations in Teaching Decision Support Systems Development; NSF supported summer 2004 faculty workshops. Check release. 03/01/2004 SGI Onyx Systems provide visualization power for Japan's Earth Simulator. Check release. 03/01/2004 Ascential Software and Kalido form alliance to deliver solution for dynamic management of enterprise data warehouses. Check release. |
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