Biographical Sketch -- Daniel J. PowerDaniel J. Power is a Professor of Information Systems and Management at the College of Business Administration at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. He is also the editor of DSSResources.COM, the Web-based knowledge repository about computerized decision support and analytics, the editor of PlanningSkills.COM, and the editor of Decision Support (DSS) News, a bi-weekly e-newsletter with a global readership first published in May 2000. Power is a scholar teacher with two primary research streams in decision support and analytics and in decision-making behavior. Over the years he has strived to discover new knowledge in these areas using design science, case studies, and more traditional empirical research. He has also contributed to theory development related to these topics. His writing has been targeted to both academic and practitioner audiences in those fields. Professor Power is the founding and current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (, is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Analytics, was a founding Senior Editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, was the founding section editor of the ISWorld pages on Decision Support Systems Research, and was founding Chair of the Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Decision Support and Analytics (SIG DSA, previously SIG DSS). Power was the founding President of the Midwest United States Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (MWAIS, Also, he was a blogger and expert on the Business Intelligence Network. Since 1982, Dan Power has published more than 50 refereed journal articles and book chapters, more than 30 refereed proceedings papers, and 7 books. His articles have appeared in leading academic journals including Decision Support Systems, Decision Sciences, Journal of Decision Systems, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, and Information and Management. He co-authored a book titled Strategic Management Skills and he has authored five books on computerized decision support. His DSS Concepts book (2002) titled Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers is a broad ranging scholarly handbook on the fundamentals of building decision support systems. His expanded DSS Framework has received widespread interest. He published Decision Support Systems: Frequently Asked Questions in 2005. In November 2009, his book Decision Support Basics was published by Business Expert Press ( His most recent book from Business Expert Press with C. Heavin is titled Data-based Decision Making and Digital Transformation. In 1982, Professor Power received a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was on the faculty at the University of Maryland-College Park from 1982 to August 1989. Power served as the Head of the Management Department at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) from August 1989 to January 1996. He served as Acting Dean of the UNI College of Business Administration from January 1996 to July 31, 1996. In addition to administrative service and professional service, Dan Power has served as Chair of the University of Northern Iowa Faculty, Chair of the UNI Faculty Senate, and President of UNI United Faculty-AAUP, the faculty collective bargaining organization. Power has received many academic awards including the University of Northern Iowa Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service Award (2008), the Iowa Board of Regents Award for Faculty Excellence (2009), the University of Northern Iowa Graduate College Distinguished Scholar award (2019), and the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Distinguished Member-Cum Laude designation (2019). Power is a pioneer developer and programmer of computerized decision aiding systems. During 1975-77, he developed a computerized system called DECAID, DECision AID. In 1981-83, he reprogrammed and expanded the system for the Apple II PC. In 1986-87, he designed a set of decision aiding tools for the Management Decision Assistant package from Southwestern Publishing. Professor Power travels nationally and internationally teaching and consulting about decision support and business planning. Dr. Power has been a visiting lecturer at universities in China, Denmark, India, Ireland, Israel, and Russia. He was a Visiting Scholar in decision support at University College-Dublin, Ireland and in the Information Systems group at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. In 1999, Power was a Foreign Expert and Visiting Scholar on Decision Support Systems at 6 Chinese Universities. Power has consulted with a number of organizations and in Summer 2003 he was a Visiting Faculty Research Fellow with the U. S. Air Force Research Lab Information Directorate (AFRL/IF). In summary, Dr. Daniel J. Power is a Decision Support evangelist, a technology generalist, and an author and editor. From his vantage point as editor of DSSResources.COM he tracks a broad range of contemporary decision support topics. In recent years, his writings have positioned him as a decision support theorist. His overall focus is on innovative decision support design and he likes to think of himself as a software designer and technology strategist, an Information Systems researcher and a Data and Decision Scientist. According to Google Scholar, his articles and books have been cited more than 9000 times; 35 articles related to decision support have been cited at least 10 times. His overall i10-index = 52 with an h-index = 31. The i10-index indicates the number of academic publications an author has written that have at least ten citations from others. According to researchgate, the "h-index corresponds to a scientist's h of his/her N papers that have been cited at least h times each, while the rest of the N papers have less than h citations each." His most frequently cited article is co-authored from his dissertation with his advisor, George Huber. See Huber, G. P. and D. J. Power, "Retrospective reports of strategic-level managers: Guidelines for increasing their accuracy," Strategic Management Journal 6 (2), 171-180 (Cited by 1968). His Google Scholar profile is at Also check these major Decision Support articles/book: (1) Power, D. J., Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers, New York: Quorum/Greenwood Press, 2002 (Cited by more than 1000); (2) Power, D. J., "A brief history of decision support systems," DSSResources.COM, World Wide Web, http://DSSResources.COM/history/dsshistory.html, version 4.0, March 10, 2007 (Web article Cited by 959); (3) Power, D.J. and R. Sharda, "Model-driven decision support systems: Concepts and research directions," Decision Support Systems 43 (3), 2007, 1044-1061 (391 Citations); (4) Aldag, R. J. and D. J. Power, "An empirical assessment of computer-assisted decision analysis," Decision Sciences 17 (4), 572-588, 1986 (284 Citations); and (5) Shim, J. P., M. Warkentin, J. F. Courtney, D. J. Power, R. Sharda, and C. Carlson, "Past, present, and future of decision support technology," Decision Support Systems, Volume 33, Issue 2, June 2002, Pages 111-126 (Article Cited by 1657). See UNI ScholarWorks Daniel J. Power is a native of Waterloo, Iowa and now lives in the neighboring city of Cedar Falls with his wife Carol. Last updated 12/08/2019. See a photo