Plumtree Offers $75,000 Portal Package

Plumtree Portal Package Provides Content Publishing, Collaboration, Knowledge Management for Midsized Enterprises and Midsized Organizations within Large Enterprises

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7, 2002 -- Corporate portal market-leader Plumtree Software today announced the availability of the Plumtree Portal Package for midsized enterprises and midsized organizations within larger enterprises. Offered at $75,000 U.S., the package includes the Plumtree Corporate Portal platform for 250 users, server products for collaboration and database application development, and integration products for e-mail, calendar, contacts and Excel files. Plumtree Portal Package customers also receive as part of the solution two weeks of professional services for installing the portal, and the first year of maintenance and support. Customers can visit to buy the Plumtree Portal Package or e-mail for more information.

"This is a complete solution for Web-enabling a business, delivered at a fixed cost in a matter of weeks" said Jim Flatley, Plumtree vice president of worldwide field operations. "The Plumtree Portal Package brings together the content publishing, application integration, knowledge management and collaboration capabilities for every function within an organization, including customer service, sales support and employee self-service. As a result, organizations of all sizes can invest in the industry's leading portal to lower the cost of delivering information technology to customers, partners and employees."

More than one hundred Plumtree customers have deployed a portal for midsized audiences. Choosing Plumtree for the software's complete feature set and the company's proven expertise at deploying high-ROI portals quickly, Plumtree customers avoid the cost and risk associated with developing portals on less mature platforms. Included in one package are:

The Plumtree Corporate Portal: Plumtree's flagship portal platform, which features key portal components:

-- Document directory publishes, indexes and categorizes content from document databases, file systems, e-mail and the Web in a secure, searchable knowledge-base;

-- Personalized portal pages empower each user to create an online workspace with the content and application services most important to his or her work;

-- Community pages offer shared workspaces for workgroups and departments, partners and customers to collaborate on projects and share information;

-- Web-based administration console distributes administration to project managers and content experts throughout the organization; and

-- Search allows users to find content in the portal's knowledge base and across collaboration projects.

Plumtree Collaboration Server: The premiere collaboration product designed for the portal environment, Plumtree Collaboration Server allows users to work together on projects by sharing documents, scheduling tasks and participating in discussions. Collaboration Server's portal integration allows users to manage tasks, documents and threaded conversations across different projects, to search across those projects, and to publish information from projects to the portal's knowledge-base.

Plumtree Studio Server: An application development environment that allows portal managers to create graphical Web services for the portal without coding, Plumtree Studio Server helps business managers deliver valuable services to portal users quickly, at low cost.

Plumtree Gadget Framework for Microsoft Excel: By embedding in portal pages Microsoft Excel tables and charts as well data imported from applications such as Oracle, SAP and Siebel, the Plumtree Excel Gadget Framework empowers business managers to share important decision-making information and increase the return on their portal investment.

Plumtree Enterprise Class Gadget Suite for Lotus Notes Groupware or Microsoft Exchange: Plumtree Gadget Suites integrate the industry's leading groupware products, embedding in the portal e-mail, calendar and address books, so midsized organizations can Web-enable key systems at low cost.

Collaboration, Studio, The Excel Framework and the Gadget Suites are crucial to the success of portal projects for midsized organizations without large development staffs, ensuring a low total cost of ownership.

About Plumtree Software

Plumtree Software offers enterprise software for bringing together on the Web content, applications and services from traditionally incompatible platforms and networks. The company's mission is to empower new audiences of employees, customers and partners across the enterprise to interact with a broader range of information technology than was previously possible. Plumtree's alliance members include Microsoft, Documentum, Interwoven, and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Plumtree supports more than 360 customers, including Boeing, Ford Motor Company, Procter & Gamble and the U.S. Navy. To learn more about Plumtree Software, visit

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SOURCE Plumtree Software via PR Newswire