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Current Featured Articles
- Ahlström, J., "Are Your Managers Bottlenecks in Your Improvement Process?" DSSResources.COM, 03/10/2015 Free HTML File. Joakim Ahlström is a leading continuous improvement authority.
- Crawley, D. R., "The Five Critical Skills for IT Success", DSSResources.COM, 02/15/2017,
Free HTML File. Don R. Crawley is an IT Customer Service Expert
- Dyche, J., "When Data Can’t Be Trusted", DSSResources.COM, 07/23/2009,
Free HTML File. Jill Dyche,
partner and co-founder of
Baseline Consulting
- Gendron, M., "Where is the BI Sweet Spot?", DSSResources.COM, 06/30/2014
Free HTML File. Michael Gendron is a Professor and Consultant.
- Hall, R. E., "In Big Data We Hope and Distrust", DSSResources.COM, 04/14/2013,
Free HTML File. Robert E. Hall,
Author and Consultant
- Inmon, W. H., "Big Data - getting it right: A checklist to evaluate your environment", DSSResources.COM, 01/16/2014,
Free HTML File. Bill Inmon is best known as the “Father of Data Warehousing”.
Article Archive
- Alper, C., K. Brown and G. R. Wagner, "New Software for Visualizing the Past, Present and Future", DSSResources.COM, 09/23/2006. Free HTML File. Alper, Brown and Wagner are innovative software developers.
- Bair, J., S. Fox, M. Hunt, and D. Meers, "Aligning BI with Business Strategy: How a Mission Mapped Architecture
can help", DSSResources.COM, 09/10/2005.
Free HTML File. Bair, Fox, Hunt and Meers are principals at Knightsbridge Solutions LLC.
- Castellina, N. and D. Hatch, "Financial Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting in the New Economy", DSSResources.COM, 04/01/2012,
Free HTML File. Nick Castellina and David Hatch work for Aberdeen Group.
- Centurion, C., "Impacts of Business Planning Technology", DSSResources.COM, 10/02/2009,
Free HTML File. Carlos Centurion is
Senior Vice President of River Logic.
- Demarest, M., "Data Warehouse Prototyping: Reducing Risk, Securing Commitment and Improving Project Governance", DSSResources.COM, 01/25/2008,
Free HTML File. Marc Demarest is the CEO of Noumenal, Inc. Prior to Noumenal, Marc was Chairman and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications.
- Demarest, M., "The Information Triad: A model of past, current and future information technology utilization in the firm", DSSResources.COM, 06/29/2007,
Free HTML File. Marc Demarest is the CEO of Noumenal, Inc. Prior to Noumenal, Marc was Chairman and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications.
- Demarest, M., "Improving Data Legibility in Decision Support Systems", DSSResources.COM, 11/17/2006, Free HTML File. Marc Demarest is the CEO of Noumenal, Inc. Prior to Noumenal, Marc was Chairman and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications.
- Demarest, M., "Knowledge Management: An Introduction", DSSResources.COM, 02/17/2007, Free HTML File. Marc Demarest is the CEO of Noumenal, Inc. Prior to Noumenal, Marc was Chairman and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications.
- Demarest, M., "Technology and Policy in Decision Support Systems", DSSResources.COM, 07/08/2005, Free HTML File. Marc Demarest is the CEO of Noumenal, Inc. Prior to Noumenal, Marc was Chairman and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications.
- Demarest, M., "The Politics of Data Warehousing", DSSResources.COM, 07/23/2004, Free HTML File. Marc Demarest is the CEO of Noumenal, Inc. Prior to Noumenal, Marc was Chairman and CEO of DecisionPoint Applications.
- Freter, T., "XML: Document and Information Management", DSSResources.COM, 09/03/2004, Free HTML File. Todd Freter is Program Manager, Advanced Development and Industry Initiatives, Java Web Services, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Keenan, P., "Using a GIS as a DSS Generator", DSSResources.COM, 12/17/2004, Free HTML File. Peter Keenan is a Senior Lecturer at University College Dublin.
- Kirtland, A., "Executive Dashboards", DSSResources.COM, 01/20/2006, Free HTML File. Alex Kirtland is a Senior Information Architect and Experience Lead and is currently working as a freelance consultant.
- Levy, E., "Beyond the Data Warehouse: Architectural Alternatives for Data Integration", DSSResources.COM, 04/08/2005, Free HTML File. Evan Levy is a partner and co-founder of Baseline Consulting.
- Moseley, M., "Simplifying Master Data Management Deployments", DSSResources.COM, 01/09/2009,
Free HTML File. Marty Moseley is
CTO of Initiate Systems.
- Nelson, G. and J. Wright, "Real Time Decision Support: Creating a Flexible Architecture for Real Time Analytics," DSSResources.COM, 11/18/2005, Free HTML File. Nelson and Wright are with Thotwave Technologies.
- Raden, N., "Shedding Light on Shadow IT: Is Excel Running Your Business?", DSSResources.COM, 02/26/2005, Free HTML File. Neil Raden is a consultant and a widely published author and speaker.
- Shneiderman, B., "Using Treemap Visualizations for Decision Support", DSSResources.COM, 06/23/2006, Free HTML File. Ben Shneiderman is a Computer Science Professor and a widely published author and speaker.
- Simsion, G., "You're making it up! Data modeling - analysis or design?", DSSResources.COM, 05/08/2005, Free HTML File. Graeme Simsion is a consultant, well known author and speaker. The third edition of his book Data Modeling Essentials (with Graham Witt) was published by Morgan Kaufmann in November 2004.
- Vasiliu, A., "Dashboards and Scorecards: Linking Management Reporting to Execution", DSSResources.COM, 04/30/2006, Free HTML File. Andrea Vasiliu is a marketing manager for Hyperion.
Articles at DSSResources.COM in the Subscriber ZoneFollow the link and find out more about the Subscriber Zone.
- Ashley, W. and J. Morrison, "Anticipatory Management: Tools for Better Decision Making", The Futurist, September/October 1997, 31(5), pp. 47-50, posted at DSSResources.COM 01/03/2004, HTML File. William C. Ashley is an adjunct professor at Northwestern University and president of Ashley and Associates. James L. Morrison is professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
- BenBassat, M., "Customers can't get no satisfaction?", DSSResources.COM, 09/14/2002, HTML File. Moshe BenBassat is Chairman and CEO of ClickSoftware.
- Brobst, S. and J. Rarey, "Five Stages of Data Warehouse Decision Support Evolution", DSSResources.COM, 01/06/2003, HTML File. Stephen Brobst is the Chief Technology Officer for Teradata, a division of NCR Corporation. Joe Rarey is a lead consultant at Strategic Technologies & Systems.
- Dunnigan, J. F., "The Operations Research Revolution Rolls On, To Where?", DSSResources.COM, 05/28/2004, HTML File. Jim Dunnigan is an author, wargame designer, and defense advisor.
- Elliott, T., "Enterprise Analytic Applications: A Guide to the Latest Developments", DSSResources.COM, 10/28/2001, HTML File. Timo Elliott is Senior Director of Strategic Marketing for Business Objects.
- English, L., "Ten mistakes to avoid if your data warehouse is to deliver quality information", DSSResources.COM, 08/11/2002, HTML File. Larry P. English is President and Principal of INFORMATION IMPACT International, Inc.
- Fisher, T. and G. Marinos, "Better decisions through better data quality management", DSSResources.COM, 10/03/2003, HTML File. Tony Fisher is the President and General Manager at DataFlux, a SAS company. George Marinos is the PricewaterhouseCoopers partner for the New York Metro Region’s Data Management Group.
- Giannopoulou, L., and G. Lawrence, "The Scales of Justice and the Balance of Probabilities", DSSResources.COM, 07/19/2002, HTML File. The authors are consultants in the areas of risk and decision analysis.
- Haddleton, G., "Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Not any more with 20/20 foresight!", DSSResources.COM, 06/28/2002, HTML File. Guy Haddleton is currently the CEO of Ascadia previously he was CEO of Adaytum (purchased by Cognos).
- Hamil, D. L., "Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It: Project Management Excellence", DSSResources.COM, 01/27/2002, HTML File. David Hamil is Director of Systems Integration for MESA Solutions, Inc.
- Herlihy, J., "Simulation Software: A Powerful Way to Improve Organizational Decision Making", DSSResources.COM, 06/01/2002, HTML File. Joe Herlihy is President of Clarity Consulting Group.
- Jessani, R., "Creating an Effective Data-Driven Decision Support System", DSSResources.COM, 12/05/2003, HTML File. Robin Jessani is senior marketing manager with Teradata, a division of NCR Corporation.
- Johnson, A., "Competitive Intelligence Software Applications", DSSResources.COM, 12/06/2002, HTML File. Arik Johnson is Founder and Managing Director of the Recon Competitive Intelligence (CI) outsourcing and support bureau, Aurora WDC.
- Kelly, F., "Implementing an Executive Information System (EIS)", DSSResources.COM, 11/07/2002, HTML File. This is a review paper from 1994 that was featured at
- Lang, C. "Professional and Collaborative Decision-Support: Many Ways to Improve Decision-Making", 07/11/2003,HTML File. Chris Lang is a second year MBA student and 4th year Ph.D. student in philosophy at the UW-Madison, specializing in decision-support techniques.
- Langseth, J., "Real-Time Data Warehousing: Challenges and Solutions", DSSResources.COM, 02/08/2004, HTML File. Justin Langseth is a founder and CTO of Claraview LLC.
- Lewis, A., "RIMSAT DSS Project: Integrating Model-Based and Case-Based Reasoning", DSSResources.COM, 04/05/2004, HTML File. Andrew Lewis is a consultant with Nemesia LLC.
- Lipschultz, J., "CIOs Agree on Key Issues", DSSResources.COM, 05/05/2002, HTML File. Jeff Lipschultz is Director of Marketing Communications and Sales Operations at Attenza.
- Longman, C., "Data Warehousing at the Speed of Business", DSSResources.COM, 11/05/2003, Free HTML File. Cliff Longman is CTO at Kalido.
- Marco, D., "IT Portfolio Management", DSSResources.COM, 04/25/2003, Free HTML File. David Marco is Founder and President of Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. (EWS).
- Max, M., "The Business Intelligence Tools Spectrum", DSSResources.COM, 05/31/2003, Free HTML File. Mark Max is the Managing Partner at iStrategy Consulting, a firm specializing in business intelligence, data warehousing and analytical applications.
- McQuay, W.K., "Distributed Collaborative Environments for
Decision Support", DSSResources.COM, 08/28/2003, Free HTML File. Bill McQuay is Technical Advisor, Collaborative Simulation Technology and Applications Branch, Information Systems Division, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory. He directs the Electronic Concepts Simulation Research Laboratory (ECSRL).
- Mohamed, Abdel-Aziz. "Teaching Decision Support Systems using Spreadsheets," DSSResources.COM, 03/14/2003, HTML File. Dr. Abdel-Aziz Mohamed is an Assistant Professor of Systems and Operations Management at California State University-Northridge.
- Pendse, N., "The Origins of Today’s OLAP Products", DSSResources.COM, 10/06/2002, HTML File. Nigel Pendse is Principal of OLAP Solutions and co-author of the
- Pendse, N., "What is OLAP?", DSSResources.COM, 04/07/2002, HTML File. Nigel Pendse is Principal of OLAP Solutions and co-author of the
- Peterson, D., "The Politics of Data Warehousing", DSSResources.COM, 12/20/2001, HTML File. Daniel Peterson was a Warehouse Architect with Greenbrier & Russel, Inc.
- Raden, N., "Data, Data Everywhere", DSSResources.COM, 02/14/2003, HTML File. Neil Raden is an author and lecturer on data warehousing and decision support and is President of Hired Brains.
- Rudyk, N., "Delivering Information Outreach to the Masses: A Critical Requirement of Today’s "Insight Economy"", DSSResources.COM, 09/02/2001, HTML File, Free Read-Only PDF File (29 KB). Nathan Rudyk is Vice President of Marketing at Databeacon, Inc.
- Spradlin, T., "A Lexicon of Decision Making", DSSResources.COM, 03/05/2004, HTML File. Tom Spradlin operates Confident Choices and was a charter member of Eli Lilly’s Decision Sciences department.
- Van den Bergh, K., "Business Intelligence Across the Organization: Why Standardizing Business Intelligence Is Critical", DSSResources.COM, 03/10/2002, HTML File. Karl Van den Bergh is the Product Marketing Manager for Business Objects.
- Yager, S., "Top 10 Project Management Problems", DSSResources.COM, 10/03/2001, HTML file. Steve Yager is the CEO of Artemis International.
Additional Free Articles at DSSResources.COM
Printable PDF versions of a number of these articles are available in the subscriber zone.
- Bhargava, H., and D. J. Power. "Decision Support Systems and Web Technologies: A Status Report". Prepared for AMCIS 2001, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, Massachusetts, August 3th - 5th, 2001, "Decision Support Systems" Mini Track. (URL, Read-Only PDF, Printable version
- Power, D. J. and S. Kaparthi. "The Changing Technological Context of Decision Support Systems", In Berkeley, D., G. Widmeyer, P. Brezillion & V. Rajkovic (Eds.) Context-Sensitive Decision Support Systems. London: Chapman and Hall, 1998. GIF Files
- Power, D. J. "A Brief History of Decision Support Systems", World Wide Web,, version 2.1, September 2002, HTML File.
- Power, D. J. "A Brief History of Spreadsheets", World Wide Web,, version 3.3, March 11, 2000, HTML File.
- Power, D. J. "Designing and Developing A Computerized Decision Aid - A Case Study", World Wide Web,, version 2.0, April 14, 1998, HTML File.
- Power, D. J. "Justifying a Data Warehouse Project", Part I and II. DSstar, The On-Line Executive Journal for Data-Intensive Decision Support, February 3 and 10, 1998: Vol. 2, No. 5 and 6, GIF Files, Printable version
- Power, D. J. "Supporting Decision-Makers: An Expanded Framework". World Wide Web,, version 1.0, December 15, 2000. GIF Files, Printable version .
- Power, D. J. "Supporting Decision-Makers: An Expanded Framework." 2001 Informing Science Conference e-book proceedings, Krakow, Poland, June 19-22, 2001, pp. 431-436, see PDF.
- Power, D. J. "Tips for Choosing Enterprise-wide DSS Software". DSstar, The On-Line Executive Journal for Data-Intensive Decision Support, November 18, 1997: Vol. 1, No. 7, URL, GIF Files, Printable version
- Power, D. J. "Web-based Decision Support Systems". DSstar, The On-Line Executive Journal for Data-Intensive Decision Support, August 18 and 25, 1998: Vol. 2, Nos. 33 and 34. (URL GIF Files, Printable version
- Power, D. J. "Web-Based and Model-Driven Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Issues". Prepared for AMCIS 2000, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Long Beach, California, August 10th - 13th, 2000, "Model-Driven and Web-Based Decision Support Systems" Mini Track. PDF
- Power, D. J. "What is a DSS?". DSstar, The On-Line Executive Journal for Data-Intensive Decision Support, October 21, 1997: Vol. 1, No. 3. Free GIF Files, Printable version Also, available in a Chinese version prepared and translated by Jian Zhou, a French version "Qu'est-ce qu'un Système d'Aide à la Décision ?" prepared and translated by Thibaut Van den bergh, an Italian version translated by Andrea Montoli, and a Russian version prepared and translated by Nadia Soloukhina.